INDIGENOUS TRAINING AND RECRUITMENT PTY LTD (ITR) has been formed in collaboration with Flexable Force and DM Creative Marketing (Indigenous Representation) to provide over 12 years’ experience in the Labour Hire industry in South Australia. Together ITR can deliver innovative programs to help your business fulfil your employment obligations.
The Australian Federal and State Government are serious about building sustainable employment opportunities for Indigenous people in South Australia and will invest heavily into businesses that are offering traineeships and job opportunities to Indigenous people. Simply, if you can include a traineeship or reportable employment opportunity to Indigenous employment, your tender will be in favour.
ITR take on all the risk, training, connection and delivery of employment on behalf of contractors that win work orders supplied by Government. As a labour hire company, there is no risk to the contractor, they are simply purchasing a product that we deliver. We take the fear out of providing employment to project.
We are a registered Group Training Organisations who can place a candidate into the traineeship opportunity and guarantee the placement. If a candidate is failing for any reason, we can provide the support they need, or simply replace the candidate to the opportunity. We have a try before you buy period designed so both parties can decide if the opportunity fits, before a traineeship is initiated into the purchase.